The Census is done once every 10 years. You can fill out the questionnaire at: https://my2020census.gov/

Getting counted is really important, our State send billions of dollars to our federal Government when we pay income tax. In return, the Federal Government gives us back a percentage. If we don’t count every man, woman and child, we could lose out on Billions of dollars in Federal Funds. These funds are used for programs such as: Children Health Insurance, Special Education, Head Start, Foster Care, SNAP, Housing Assistance and more.

Knowing how many people live in our state will also determine if we gain or lose Congressional Districts based on the population.

Every 10 years, the elected State Legislator will also draw the district lines for Georgia Assembly, Commission and School Board Districts. If you want fair representation, elect people who will draw district lines that provide you with Representative Democracy

Census Count so far:
USA: average of 62.4%
Georgia: average of 58.2%,
Gwinnett County: average of 70%

If you have already completed your Census, please tell your friends and family to finish theirs. You can check the Census2020 return rate where you live by clicking on this link: CLICK HERE

REMEMBER: the Census can still be completed online https://my2020census.gov/ or you can call 844-330-2020 to get counted. Door to Door Enumerators will begin outreach on August 11, 2020. All Enumerators will have badges, black census bags, cars driven with have signage to identify them and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will be worn.