April 23, 2019 was my day to visit Cooper Elementary and what a great visit it was. Imagine my surprise when I drove up to the school and saw my face on their digital board welcoming my visit 😊😊👏🏾👏🏾
When I walked into the school I was greeted by the Principal, Paul Willis, Brandy Bortak (Counselor)and my two 5th grade escorts Kate and Kyle. With that kind of welcome who wouldn’t love this school.
Cooper Elementary School is seeking to become a S.T.E.M (Science, Tecnology, Engineering and Math) certified school.
The students are competing and monitoring who is better at recycling soft plastic.
I met a group of 3rd graders who were building webpages👍🏾👍🏾 This school also has a outdoor classroom.
Cooper Elementary was built in 2003, there is about 1500 students. 48% are Black, 35% are White, 17% Hispanic. 12-15% of the student body have Special Needs.